Why Won’t My Retail Code(s) Work?

It’s probably because you’re mistaking a number for an upper case letter. All codes begin with 2 upper case letters like CA, CB or CC. Following these 2 letters are 12 numbers or lower case letters. Make sure not to mistake a number like 0 for a capital O. Again, there are no capital letters used after the first 2 letters in the code.

How Do I Redeem A Retail Code(s) I Purchased At A Retail Shop?

Select the set that corresponds with the retail code that you purchased at the retail store or pro shop.  Once you arrive at Checkout here at epecgolf.com, you’ll have an opportunity at the top of the page to enter the retail code and when you do, you will see the set you selected discounted to zero ($0.00).

What Makes EPEC Unique?

Great question and two simple answers. Fit by height (not age) and upgradeability. It is a proven fact that kids of the same age can vary in height by as much as 14-16 inches. So for you as a parent to buy your son or daughter golf clubs, their age is irrelevant. You should be buying clubs based on their current height and EPEC is one of only two companies that offer you this selection. Secondly, EPEC is the only brand of youth golf equipment designed to be upgradeable. This is important because it lowers the cost for you as a parent to keep your young golfer in properly fitted clubs. Instead of replacing entire sets, we upgrade clubs at a fraction of the cost of new.